Thursday, March 11, 2021

CyberLink Screen Recorder Deluxe Full Version

CyberLink Screen Recorder Deluxe Full Version

CyberLink Screen Recorder Deluxe is an application that can be used to do live streaming of Facebook and YouTube as well as several other social media in a very easy way so that this application can be used by anyone who is already proficient in connection with broadcast issues or for the first time doing live streaming on Facebook or YouTube, because the features of the Cyberlink Screen Recorder Deluxe software provide features that are very simple and practical. 
The interface in this application is made very efficient and simple. This is so that users feel comfortable and easy to operate this application. It turns out that even more sophisticated, this application can also be used for streaming. Livestream can be directly connected to twitch, youtube or facebook. Even more crazy, this software supports streaming on the three servers simultaneously. This software also provides editing features after you finish recording.
Direct Link Download CyberLink Screen Recorder Deluxe :
Size : 24 MB
Version :



  • Gameplay in Exclusive Mode
  • Lock to desktop apps or customized screen area
  • Capture from a connected device (console etc.)
  • Record system audio, microphone or other audio input device
  • Add webcam as a PiP with adjustable position and size
  • Output video as MP4 (H.264) with AAC audio
  • Save screenshots as JPG or PNG
  • Set customizable hotkeys

Minimum System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Intel Core™ i-series or AMD Phenom® II and above
  • Desktop recording 1GB VGA VRAM or higher
  • Game recording 3GB VGA VRAM or higher
  • Sound Card Windows compatible sound card is required
  • Memory RAM 2GB

How To Install :

  1. Download and extract the file "CyberLink Screen Recorder Deluxe Full Crack".
  2. Also extract the crack file in the folder.
  3. Install the program as usual.
  4. After the installation process is complete, don't enter the program yet.
  5. Open the crack folder, then run the "registry_patch" file by clicking 2x the file.
  6. Open the program and use the serial that is in the "serial" file.
  7. Done.

Block the software using Windows Firewall so that the activation becomes permanent

How to download SERVER 1 :
Search page itself will show the “I’m not a robot” CAPTCHA message on certain circumstances when you enter the query and hit search button. You will be asked to prove you are a human by selecting the checkbox or selecting images based on the given hint.

How to download SERVER 2 :
Please wait 3 seconds and the click Get Link.
Download Software Full Version Crack Patch License

Download Software Full Version Crack Patch License

How to download SERVER 3 :
Click on 'SKIP AD'” - Please Wait 5 seconds 

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